Masters of our craft with billions in transactions

Committed to investing in product superiority and customer service in the longevity space

Our commitment to a conservative approach to an already conservative space is what drives our success.


What is a life settlement?

A life settlement refers to the sale of an existing insurance policy to a third party for a one-time cash payment. Payment is more than the surrender value, but less than the actual death benefit.

After the sale, the purchaser becomes the policy's beneficiary and assumes payment of its premiums. By doing so, he or she receives the death benefit when the policy matures.


Historically, when a health impaired senior could no longer afford to pay for the insurance they had only two options:

1. Either let the policy lapse and lose all the time and money spent on the policy (this is very advantageous to the insurance company that issued the policy)

2. Surrender it back to the issuing insurance company (also very good for the insurance company).

With the advent of the life settlement industry, there is a third option: sell it to an investor.

The average amount a health impaired senior receives compared to surrendering it to the life insurance company is on average 400%.*

*From The London Business School Whitepaper

Daikon seeks to invest in this space helping the same demographic of health impaired senior while simultaneously giving investors a return; thus giving way to a socially responsible investment that is good for much more than just profit potential.

Why invest in life settlements?

Demonstrated Regulatory and Legal Structure

Demonstrated Regulatory and Legal Structure

Socially Responsible Investment

Socially Responsible Investment

Low-Risk/High-Return Fixed Income Alternative

Low-Risk/High-Return Fixed Income Alternative

Bona Fide Non-Correlation Asset Class

Bona Fide Non-Correlation Asset Class